Big Booty Without a BBL - One Woman Says

Posted July 18, 2023
Big booty without a BBL

There are some backsides on celebrities that are discussed more than other buttocks. Both Jennifer Lopez and Kim Kardashian have butts that have been endlessly photographed and talked about by various news outlets and celebrity websites. Even though both of these ladies have not admitted to having any kind of surgical assistance in gaining the current appearance of their buttocks, there are some people who suspect them of having a Brazilian butt lift (BBL) to gain the large volume and contour of their frequently discussed butts. There is one woman on a mission to gain a bigger butt than Kim Kardashian and she is determined to achieve this goal with having plastic surgery. Keep reading to find out how she plans on gaining her desired buttocks size.

Big Booty Without a BBL – How Will it Happen?

Big Booty Without a BBL

Vanessa Ataides is a thirty-seven-year-old who is based in Brazil. She is currently a bodybuilder and model as well as a woman with a wish to gain the biggest butt in the world without the help of plastic surgery. Vanessa wants to have a backside that is bigger than Kim Kardashian’s and part of her plan is to bulk up the size of her butt by visiting the gym on a daily basis.

While she had her first butt lift at the age of twenty, a bigger backside seems to have always been a goal in her life. She told her local media outlets, “I know it’s an addiction. When I reach a goal, I don’t stop. I want more. Today I want to have the biggest bum in Brazil, but I know that when I achieve it, I’ll want to have the biggest in the world.”

Big Booty Without a BBL – The Public Reacts

During a recent photo shoot, Vanessa decided to showcase the curves of her body. In the photos, her legs are in a pool while she is wearing a bright red swimsuit. Once the photo was posted, her fans took to social media to share their thoughts with comments ranging from “Simply spectacular” to “Killing it as usual!”

Big Booty Without a BBL – Exercise Plan and Attitude Revealed

In order to achieve her goal, Vanessa gets up as early as 4am so she can begin to work out in the morning. She also eats six protein meals within each twenty-four-hour period in order to keep building and bulking up her growing backside.

As with almost any form of social media, there are times when people want to make fun of her or troll her online. Vanessa’s response to these people is to simply not pay attention to them. “People look at me as if I’m not normal, but I like to draw attention. People comment among one another. I know it’s impossible for me to go unnoticed.”

She went on to add, “For those of you who like to criticize me, a little kiss on the shoulder. I don’t care, I just pick out what’s good. Whatever’s bad, I throw in the rubbish. Kisses for all of you, my loves.”

While others have attempted to gain the title of “World’s Biggest Booty,” they have always attempted to achieve the goal with the help of plastic surgery. Vanessa is one of the few people attempting to have the biggest booty without the assistance of a surgical procedure.

Big Booty Without a BBL – Is There Time for Love?

Even though she enjoys the appearance of her body, Vanessa does admit to having trouble with finding love. When asked why this is the case, she said her “body shape and personality scares men. I want the world’s biggest bum. For me the bigger the booty the better. I’m famous for my big bum.”

According to Vanessa, it has been a long time since she was in a relationship with a man. “My last relationship was seven years ago. I am pretty extreme so I think people are afraid of me. It’s scary for men.”

Vanessa does have a theory why her lifestyle and overall goal might frighten men. “You have my personality, and then you have my body and then you have everything else on top of that. It’s extreme.”

Big Booty Without a BBL – Is it Easier Than Surgery?

The goal of Vanessa Ataides to have the biggest in the world without plastic surgery will be much harder than undergoing a surgical Brazilian butt lift (BBL). A surgeon performs liposuction in order to remove fat from another area of the body of the patient. Once the fat is removed from the targeted area, it is cleaned and processed so it can be safely injected into the buttocks of the patient. The transferred fat is placed in the butt in a strategic manner so the final results will not be overly large with an unnatural look. The procedure can be performed in a single day and some of the results will be immediately visible after the surgery.

- MA

Joubin Gabbay, MD Beverly Hills, CA Plastic Surgeon


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